I fell in love with Gretchen Rubin after reading
Better than Before + The 4 Tendencies
where she talks about how to create habits
to be more happy.
I learned that I am a great starter
- but not great at finishing.
I found this to be true for my work starting new projects
but not always finishing them.
I will sign up for lots of things - but then not keep up.
I am even great at starting new snacks - but I have a lot
of alllllmost done bags of things in our cupboard 🤦🏽♀️
I found that this is not just one of my stress responses
but when my to-do list feels more like weight than light
I know now that this is when I can and should ask for help from others
when it comes to projects and snacks 👀
Gretchen Rubin also talks about having a
ta-da list vs a to-do list.
And this has helped me feel excited about what I accomplished
instead of bogged down but all the things I have to do.
So when I need to get back into a groove I'll turn to tunes.
I'll dance around - think about how my task(s)
aligns with my values as a human
and/or my values as a biz women.
So bop around to the tune below as you make your ta-da list for the day.
🎉Cheering you on as always 🎉