I was asked the other day if I see myself as a creative.
I responded with a "HELLLLL NO!"
And then they all laughed at me!
We talked about how we can be creative in
so many different ways and we often stop believing we have this skill
when we are told by someone bigger than us that
"what we made isn't good enough."
And that's exactly where I was in my "creative journey"
that I didn't see my creativity as a superpower.
So then I took this conversation to kids, asking them
if they see themselves as creative and how they practice.
Someone told me that their creativity and imagination are
BFF's and they live and play together.
Another kid told me that creativity can be how you
walk, talk and show up.
(this is why I ask kids these questions - they are always so insightful!)
Then I took this conversation to Clubhouse
and someone told that you can even be creative in organization.
And that's when I started seeing all the places my creativity has lived.
All this time I thought my creativity abandoned me
but I was the one that abandoned my creativity.
So friend what boxes have you put yourself in lately?
I'm making some time and space to meet with my creativity
on a more meaningful basis.
How can you do the same this week?
🎉Cheering you on as always 🎉