I've been having a lot of "not enough" feelings this year
and I know I can't be the only one!
I felt like a small fish in a big pond with my baby biz.
My kids grew out of the age group of my "specialty" and they keep talking in a language I just don't understand.
I still feel like I don't know how to be a wife >.<
The lack of zeros in my bank account also made me feel like a - ZERO
Looking back at 2020 I can think of all the ways I failed
and all the ways I wasn't enough.
But I also know my brain finds it waaaaay too easy to spot the suck.
Looking for the greatness, the lessons, the fun takes work.
This is where growth happens.
It's knowing that it's WORK but doing it anyway.
It's knowing that those feelings and thoughts of
not enough are just lies that we've believed for a long time.
It takes work to believe something new.
It takes work to know something new.
It takes work to become new.
I'm excited to be offering the very first
Journal Jam Sesh
Sunday December 13 @ 10AM
I have always loved journaling but I also know how intimidating it can be. So join me as I walk you through our 2020 reflections.
You can use the lovely workbook provided
or bust open one of your many notebooks!
This will be the only time this session is FREE so sign up even if it's just to share a mug drink and some baked goods <3
Sign up for the Journal Jam here
I also want you to be the first to know that I am launching the
KDC mastermind
(official name still TBD)
Starting in January I will guide a small crew
through emotional investigations. Together we will start making ourselves the priority. I will give you the space, the tools, and the time to start living in a thriving place.
This is for those that are ready to do the deep work.
Kindness Drives Change
and the change only comes when we start with
showing kindness to ourselves
<3 kdc